
“Operation Save-A-Life” was created to combat the rise in fire related injuries and deaths due to home fires in our great state. The goal of this statewide initiative is to dramatically reduce these fire related injuries and deaths across the State of Louisiana by providing smoke alarms to vulnerable citizens and at risk communities with the help of your local fire department.
The Louisiana Office of State Fire Marshal is proud to present “Operation Save A Life”, a public service campaign designed to increase awareness and educate consumers about the dangers of fire, its related hazards and how to prevent them.

Protecting You & Your Family since 1954
St. Tammany Parish Fire District 3 (STFD3) is a rural, unincorporated area designated ‘Ward 7’ of St. Tammany Parish. The dedicated team of St. Tammany Fire Protections District 3 is on standby twenty four hours a day, seven days a week in order to keep the residents of Lacombe safe.
Our Mission
We, the members of St. Tammany Parish Fire Protection District No. 3, shall strive to save lives and protect property through safe, cost effective and professional service.

Our Vision
Our vision is to provide quality emergency services by striving for excellence in service delivery through training, education, team work, collaboration, and respect.